Adding Expenses to an Expense Report

Access the Edit Expense Detail information form.

View Policy

Click to view the policy associated with an expense category.

If you have set the processing option appropriately, you can access the company's reimbursement policy at any time by clicking the View Policy link.

Single Item

Select to specify that you are entering a single expense.

Summary Receipt

Select to enter a summary receipt. If you select this option, the system displays the Receipt Total field. Complete the Receipt Total field.

Expense Date

Enter the date on which the expense was incurred.

The system returns an error if you enter a date that is later than the expense report end date that you specified, or if the date for the expense is not within the allowable expense days as specified in the corresponding processing option of the Expense Report Review/Entry program.

Charge To Type

Select one of the values from the drop-down list to specify whether an expense is billable and to whom it is billable:

Business Unit: The expense is charged to the business unit that you specify in the Business Unit field.

Job Cost: The expense is charged to the job that you specify.

Complete the Cost Code and Cost Type fields.

Non-Reimbursable: The expense should not be reimbursed.

Split among multiple jobs: The expense is split among multiple jobs. The system displays the Edit Split Charges form, on which you allocate the appropriate amount to the appropriate job.

Split among multiple business units: The expense is split among multiple business units. The system displays the Edit Split Charges form, on which you allocate the appropriate amount to the appropriate business unit.

Split among multiple work orders: The expense is split among multiple work orders. The system displays the Edit Split Charges form, on which you allocate the appropriate amount to the appropriate work order.

Work Order: The expense is charged to the work order that you.


Enter a subset of an object account. Subsidiary accounts include detailed records of the accounting activity for an object account.

Note: If you are using a flexible chart of accounts and the object account is set to six digits, you must use all six digits. For example, entering 000456 is not the same as entering 456 because, if you enter 456, the system enters three blank spaces to fill a six-digit object.
Cost Type

Specify the portion of a general ledger account that refers to the division of the Cost Code (for example, labor, materials, and equipment) into subcategories. For example, you can divide the Cost Code for labor into regular time, premium time, and burden.

Note: If you use a flexible chart of accounts and the object account is set to 6 digits, it is recommended that you use all 6 digits. For example, entering 000456 is not the same as entering 456 because if you enter 456 the system enters three blank spaces to fill a six-digit object.
Order No. (order number)

Specify the order number to which you want to bill the expense.

The system automatically completes the Business Unit, Subsidiary, Subledger, and Subledger Type fields based on the value that you enter.

Business Unit

Specify a separate entity within a business for which you want to track costs. For example, a business unit might be a warehouse location, job, project, work center, branch, or plant.

If the Charge To type is Business Unit and you leave this field blank, the system either uses the business unit entered in the employee profile or issues an error message depending on the setting of a processing option.

If the Charge to type is Job Cost, enter the job number to which you are charging the expense. You cannot leave this field blank.

If the Charge to type is Non-Reimbursable, leave this field blank.

If the Charge to type is Work Order, the system disables this field.

If the Charge to type is split among multiple business units, jobs, or work orders, the system disables this field and displays an additional form when you add another expense or click Save and Close.

Expense Location

Select a value to indicate where the expense has been incurred. The system uses location information to determine the appropriate policy for the expense and to derive the appropriate tax rate area and tax explanation code for the expense. For transportation expenses, use the location where the ticket was purchased.

Payment Method

Select the payment method that you used for the expense from the drop-down list, for example:

American Express


Corporate Credit Card

Personal Check

Personal Credit Card


Enter the price at which the expense was incurred for a specific unit of measure. For example, the rate might be the cost of a hotel room per night or the cost of a car rental per day.

Depending on the how the policy is set up, you might not be able to enter a value in this field.


Enter the number of items expensed at a specific rate.

Expense Amount

Enter the amount of the expense in the currency in which the expense was incurred. This amount should correspond to the amount on the receipt.

Exchange Rate

Enter a number (exchange rate) that a foreign currency amount is multiplied by or divided by to calculate a domestic currency amount.

The number in this field can have a maximum of seven decimal positions. If more are entered, the system adjusts to the nearest seven decimal positions.

The system uses the exchange rate that is set up in the Currency Exchange Rates table (F0015). Specify in the processing options for this program whether you can override the exchange rate.

Reimbursable Amount

Enter the amount of an expense item that is reimbursed to the employee.

Available Per Diem

Enter the total amount that is available for the per diem expense group.

The system completes and displays this field only when the expense category that you enter is set up with a per diem expense category in the policy. The system displays the available amount left for the per diem expense category based on the value that you entered in the Allowable Per Diem Days field.

Receipt Label

Enter a number that corresponds to the expense item line number that the system assigns for you to use to identify the physical receipt that corresponds to one or more expenses on the expense report.

If the policy requires a receipt for the expense specified or if the expense amount is greater than the required minimum defined by the policy, the system completes this field with the line number of the expense to identify the physical receipt. The system restarts the number sequence for each expense report that you enter.

Per Diem Exp. Category (per diem expense category)

Enter a UDC (09E/EC) that specifies the expense category for the per diem group. For example, you might assign MLS (meals) as the per diem expense category for BFST (breakfast), LUN (lunch), and DIN (dinner) expenses.

The system completes and displays this field only when the expense category that you enter is set up with a per diem expense category in the policy.

Allowable Amount and Unallowable Amount

When you enter and save expense report items, the system calculates the allowable and unallowable amounts for each expense item. The system displays these fields if you set the processing option accordingly.

If you have set the processing option to enable auditors to modify amounts, auditors can change the amounts in these fields. If the auditor changes either of these values for an expense item, the system recalculates the totals on the expense report header. The auditor cannot change these totals.

Add New

Click to add a new expense. If the expense that you just entered requires you to enter information on the additional tab, the system issues an error. Complete the fields on the Additional tab and then click this button again.

Note: The fields that appear on the form vary depending on the expense category attributes that are assigned to the expense category. For example, if you are entering information about airfare expense, you might need to complete the fields for Airline, Airline Ticket Number, Airline Ticket Status, and Additional Comments.
Save and Close

Click to save the report without submitting it. You can revise expenses entered or enter more expenses at a later date, if desired. The system calculates the amount to be reimbursed directly to the employee, the amount to be reimbursed to the credit card company and the unallowable total.


Click to begin the reimbursement process for the expense report.

Important: After you submit an expense report, you cannot revise it unless a manager or auditor rejects it during the reimbursement process.