Credit Card Expense

These processing options controls how credit card expenses can be processed.

1. Credit Card Expenses

Specify whether to allow employees access to their credit card transactions in the Credit Card Transaction Interface Table (F09E150) so that they can apply them to their expense reports. If employees have authority to enter expense reports for others, they also have access to those credit card transactions. Values are:

Blank: Do not allow access to credit card expenses.

The system hides the Get CC Expense button on the Expense Report Entry form.

1: Allow employees access to their own credit card expenses and to those of other employees for whom they are authorized to enter expense reports.

The system displays the Get CC Expense button on the Expense Report Entry form.

2. Require matching of CC Expense records

Specify whether to require employees to match each credit card expense from the Credit Card Transaction Interface Table (F09E150) with the expense in the Expense Report Detail table (F20112). Values are:

Blank: Do not require employees to match their credit card expenses.

Employees can manually enter and submit credit card expenses for reimbursement using the Expense Entry program (P09E2011).

Note: If you select this option, integrity between the two tables (F09E150 and F20112) is not maintained.

1: Require employees to match their credit card expenses.

Employees are allowed to either select a credit card expense using the Get CC Expense button during expense entry, or enter the credit card expense manually using the Expense Report Review/Entry program), and then match it to the credit card record using the Credit Card Expenses program (P09E150) before submitting their expense report.

3. Credit Card Expenses Version (P09E150)

Specify the version of the Credit Card Expenses program to use when you add credit card expenses from the Expense Report Review/Entry program by choosing the Get CC Expense button. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses version ZJDE0001.

4. Allow Changes to Negative Expense Amounts

Specify whether to allow the employee to assign the value of Nonreimbursable to the Charge To Type field for credit card expenses that are negative (have credit amounts). Using this security feature ensures that the employee applies credit amounts to business expenses, which eliminates the possibility of employee misconduct. Values are:

Blank: Do not allow.

1: Allow.