
These processing options specify default values for the currency mode, inquiry mode, expense report numbering, default business unit, and default manager for approval.

1. Currency Mode

Specify the default value for the currency options that appear on the Enter Expense Report form. You can override the value when you enter the expense report. Values are:

Blank: Single; activates the single currency option. All expenses must be entered in the reimbursement currency specified in the employee's profile.

1: Multicurrency; activates the multicurrency currency option. Expenses can be entered in any currency.

2. Inquiry Mode For Employee with Audit Authorization

Specify which option the system uses to display expense reports on the View Expense Reports Information form. Values are:

Blank or 0: Display all expense reports that you are allowed to view.

1: Display all expense reports that require approval.

2: Display only your expense reports.

3: Display only the expense reports of your employees.

4: Display all expense reports that you are allowed to view and hide all the options (radio buttons) on the form.

3. Expense Report Number

Specify whether you want to assign the expense report number manually or have the system assign it from the Next Number Revisions program (P0002). Values are:

Blank: Manually.

1: The system assigns the report number.

4. Default Business Unit

Specify whether the system retrieves the business unit that is set up for the employee profile to use as the default business unit when you enter an expense. Values are:

Blank: Retrieve the business unit from the employee profile. The system uses this value only when you specify business unit in the Charge To Type field (CHRGTO) on the Edit Expense Detail Information form.

1: Do not retrieve a default business unit. You must enter the business unit manually.

5. Default Manager for Approval

Specify whether to display the Override Manager ID field on the Edit Expense Report Information form to enable the employee to enter the address book number of the manager who approves their expense reports. Values are:

Blank: Do not display. The manager that is set up on the employee profile must approve the expense reports.

1: Display.

6. Display Allowable/Unallowable Amounts

Specify whether you want the system to display allowable and unallowable amounts to both employees and managers on the Edit Expense Detail Information form. If you enable auditors to modify expense reports, they can change these amounts for expense report items. Values are:

Blank: Do not display Allowable/Unallowable Amounts.

1: Display Allowable/Unallowable Amounts.

7, Default Expense Report Type

Use this processing option to specify a default expense report type for expense report entry. You can change this value when you enter expense report. If you leave this processing option blank, the system does not provide a default expense report type when you enter the expense report. You must choose the expense report type at the time when you enter the expense report.