Manager ID

These processing options specify whether the system retrieves the manager ID in the employee profile from the Supervisor field in the Employee Master Information table (F060116) or uses a value that you specify.

1. Validate Employee Master Manager ID (F060116).

Specify whether the system assigns the Manager ID for the employee profile from Employee Master Information table (F060116), or uses the value specified in this processing option (Optional default value for Employee Profile Manager ID). Values are:

Blank: Use the value specified in the processing option for the Manager ID.

1: Retrieve the value from the Supervisor field in the Employee Master Information table (F060116). The system automatically updates the employee profile if the value of the Supervisor changes in the employee record. If the Supervisor field is blank or contains an invalid value, the system does not create an employee profile. In addition, the system generates an error that appears on the exception report.

2. Optional default value for Employee Profile Manager ID (F20103).

Specify the address book number that the system assigns for the Manager ID when it creates the employee profile. If you leave this processing option blank, as well as the previous processing option (Validate Employee Master Manager ID), the system creates the employee profile record without a manager ID. You must update the appropriate field manually before the employee can enter an expense report.