Preferred Hotel Codes (09E/PH)

Use these codes to identify hotels with which your company has negotiated preferential pricing. Examples of preferred hotel codes include:

  • BUDGET: Budget Inn

  • COURTYD: Courtyard Hotel

  • HILTON: Hilton Hotel

  • HYATT: Hyatt Hotel

  • MARRIOTT: Marriott Hotel

  • OTHER: A Hotel Not Listed

    Note: The UDC value that you use to specify hotels that are not preferred suppliers (for example, OTHER) must include the value 10 in the Special Handling field.If you enter an expense report for a hotel that is not preferred and the policy requires that you use a preferred hotel, the system prompts you to enter a reason in the Additional Comments field on the Expense Detail form. The system also marks the expense as an exception, and your expense report will be audited.