Additional Selections

Units/Unit Cost (Optional)

Enter the code that specifies whether the system displays amounts or statistical units. You can use statistical units to track equipment information for a piece of equipment. Values are:

N: Display amounts.

Y: Display statistical units such as hours.

The statistical units that you define for this code are stored in the AT00 AAI.

A: Display statistical units such as those used to indicate fuel consumption.

The statistical units that you define for this code are stored in the FMA AAI.

B: Display statistical units such as miles.

The statistical units that you define for this code are stored in the FMB AAI. Equipment can accumulate usage amounts based on hours, miles, fuel, and so on. When you display equipment costs by units or unit cost, the first account listed shows the number of units that have accumulated for that piece of equipment. The remaining account balances reflect actual amounts divided by the total units or a per unit cost for each account.

Detail/Summary (Optional)

Enter the user-defined code (UDC) (12/LS) that specifies the type of summarization. Values are:

D: No summarization.

This code is valid when sequencing by object or subsidiary accounts.

O: Summarize by object.

This code is valid when sequencing by object account only.

S: Summarize by object account for AAI item AT.

R: Summarize by subsidiary.

This code is valid only with the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Capital Asset Management system.

Note: If you want to see the transaction ledger for a particular account, you cannot summarize. If you are displaying miles or units, these amounts are always summarized.
Total by Code (Subsidiary) (Optional)

Click this option to total by code.

Total by Account (Object) (Optional)

Click this option to total by account.