
From Date/Period

Enter either a period within the current fiscal year or a specific date.

To designate a period of the current fiscal year for the selected company, enter a number from 1 to 14. For example, enter 10 for period 10 of the current year.

To designate a date, use the company's fiscal date pattern. For example, enter 01/01/99 for the fiscal date of January 1, 1999.

Thru Date/Period

Enter either a period within the current fiscal year or a specific date.

To designate a period of the current fiscal year for the selected company, enter a number from 1 to 14. For example, enter 10 for period 10 of the current year.

To designate a date, use the company's fiscal date pattern. For example, enter 010109 for the fiscal date of January 1, 2009.