
1. Equipment Subledger

Specify how to update the journal entry's asset number. If the asset number is blank and an equipment subledger (subledger type E) exists, you can use that subledger number as the journal entry's asset number. Otherwise, you can use the GL asset number when posting to Fixed Assets. Values are:

Blank: Use the GL asset number.

1: Use the asset number from the subledger type E.

2. Asset Master Cost Account

Specify whether to allow the posting of cost to a different account defined in the Asset Master. Values are:

Blank: Prevent posting of cost to a different account defined in the Asset Master. This is the default.

1: Allow posting of cost to a different account defined in the Asset Master.

3. Create or Post to Units Ledgers

Specify whether the system creates records in the Asset Account Balances table (F1202) for the units ledger when the posted journal entry contains units. Values are:

Blank: Create a units ledger in the F1202.

1: Do not create a units ledger in the F1202.

This value also prevents posting to existing units ledgers in the F1202.

4. Date Acquired

Specify whether to use the invoice date of GL date as the date acquired when performing the automatic asset creation. Values are:

Blank: Use the G/L date. This is the default.

1: Use the invoice date.