Transferring Fixed Assets

Transfers, Splits and Disposals (G1222), Single Asset Transfer.

Alternatively, Transfers, Splits and Disposals (G1222), Mass Transfer.

Use the transfer procedure to record assets that are transferred from one business unit or account to another. You can transfer assets based on the entire account structure (business unit, object, and subsidiary) or a portion of the account structure. For example, if you move a computer from one department to another department in the company, you use the transfer program to create the journal entries that reflect the move.

When information for a large block of assets changes, you can also use the transfer program to make global changes to the information with or without transferring the assets. When you make global changes to asset information using the Asset Transfer program, you enter new values only in the fields for the values that you want to change. Any fields that you leave blank are not affected by a change. If you want to change the value for a subsidiary or subledger to blank, you must enter *blank in the field. For example, you can change the responsible business unit for a fleet of trucks without actually moving them. You can use the transfer program to globally change this asset information:

  • Responsible business unit.

  • Work center.

  • Property tax entity.

  • Property tax state.

  • Location (if the asset has only one current location).

  • Category codes.

You can change a specific category code value for all of the assets within a company or asset class without having to change each master record individually Transfer program.

If you set up an alternative date pattern, the transfer program uses the date pattern that you specify.