
Use these processing options to specify which version of the Calculate Depreciation and Asset Balance Close programs that you want the system to run. You can run these versions without projections to verify data selection. Specific versions for the Compute Depreciation and Asset Account Balance Close are needed for flexibility and control of automated processing.

1. Calculate Depreciation Version (R12855)

Specify which version of the Calculate Depreciation program (R12855) you want the system to run. The data selection in the Calculate Depreciation version must match the data selection in the Asset Account Balance Close (R12825) version that is specified in the processing options. The default version is XJDE0003. The process mode and date information are passed into the Calculate Depreciation batch application.

2. Asset Balance Close Version (R12825)

Specify which version of the Asset Balance Close program (R12825) you want the system to run. The data selection in the Asset Account Balance Close version must match the data selection in the Calculate Depreciation (R12855) version that is specified in the processing options. The default version is XJDE0002. The date information is passed into the Asset Account Balance Close batch application when the system processes projection balances in final mode.