Procurement and Subcontract Management

You can enter pay when paid vouchers using these versions of the Voucher Match program (P4314) in Procurement and Subcontract Management:

  • Progress Payments.

  • Match Voucher to Open Receipt.

  • Receive & Voucher POs.

When you enter vouchers in Procurement and Subcontract Management, the system determines whether the voucher total gross amount exceeds the subcontractor (supplier) threshold defined in the Subcontractor Threshold program (P4355). If the voucher gross amount exceeds the subcontractor threshold, the system:

  • Assigns the payment status code from user-defined code (UDC) table 00/PS, which you specify in the Threshold Pay Status Code processing option on the Process tab of the Voucher Match program.

  • Updates the Pay When Paid field (PYWP) in the F0411 table and the G/L Posting Code - Alternate W field (ALTW) in the F0911 table with a W to identify the vouchers as pay when paid.