A/R or A/P Tab

Bank Acct No (bank account number)

Enter a value that identifies the bank account number (not the account ID) in the general ledger.

For an accounts receivable cash type, enter a specific bank account number. Because the bank account cannot be determined until a receipt is entered, you must specify the bank account number to use for the invoices specified. You cannot enter * for all bank accounts. When you refresh cash forecast data, the system updates the bank account number in the F09522 table with the value that you enter in this field and creates cash forecast records from the F03B11 detail records that match the other criteria for the cash type rule.

For an accounts payable cash type, enter a specific bank account number to select only vouchers associated with the bank account. When you refresh cash forecast data, the system uses this bank account number to select F0411 detail records with the same number and creates cash forecast records for the same account for the cash type rule. Alternatively, you can enter * for all bank accounts.

Document Type

Enter a specific document type from UDC table 00/DT or * for all document types except R1, R5, and RU in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Receivable.

Note: For the Base Currency, Payment Instrument, and Originating Module fields, you can enter * to include all values. If you leave any of these three fields blank, the system selects only detail records with blanks to create cash forecast data for the cash type rule.
Original Module

For accounts receivable, enter a system code of 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 from UDC table 03B/OS in this field.

For accounts payable, enter a software module code of P, R, C, M, or L in this field.

The Originating Module fields for AR and AP have different aliases (OMOD and RP3, respectively).

Days Past Due - From

Enter the beginning number of days prior to the date on which you refresh your cash forecast data. The system uses this number to select a net due date range so that you can include certain past due amounts for cash forecasting. For example, you can enter 1 in this field and 7 in the Days Past Due - To field to review cash forecast amounts that are up to one week past due.

Days Past Due - To

Enter the ending number of days prior to the date on which you refresh your cash forecast data. The system uses this number to select a net due date range so that you can include certain past due amounts for cash forecasting. For example, you can enter 7 in this field and 1 in the Days Past Due - From field to view cash forecast amounts that are up to one week past due.

Show Past Due Amount in First Date Column or Show Past Due Amount in Past Due Column

Select one of these options only if this is a past due cash type. These options designate the column in which you want past due amounts for this cash type rule to appear on the Cash Forecast Analysis form.

If selected, past due amounts appear in the first date period column. If not selected, past due amounts appear in a separate past due column.