Adding an Attachment to a Journal Entry

After you enter a journal entry and click OK to accept it, the system assigns a document number if you did not manually enter a number. You can add an attachment, such as a comment or memo, to a specific transaction or to the entire journal entry as long as it has a document number, document type, document company, and general ledger date. The system needs this information to associate the attachment with the entry. The attachment is for internal reference only.

To add an attachment:

  • To a specific transaction, select the transaction on the Journal Entry form and then select Attachment from the Row menu.

  • To the entire journal entry, exit to the Work With Journal Entries form and from the Row menu, select Attachment.

For performance reasons, the paper clip button does not subsequently appear on the Journal entry form unless you click the Attachments button in the far left column of the row heading. The system displays a paper clip button to the left of the journal entry:

  • On the Work With Journal Entries form, when you add text or another attachment to the entire journal entry.

  • On the Journal Entry form, when you add text or another attachment to a specific transaction.