Error Message: Amount Does Not Balance to Gross

If, after you click OK to accept a journal entry, the remaining amount has a balance, you will receive the message Amount Does Not Balance to Gross. You can either correct or accept the out-of-balance journal entry:

  • To correct an out-of-balance journal entry, review the Remaining Amount field to determine the amount that needs to be adjusted. Correct the journal entry so that the debits balance to the credits, and then click OK. If you want to delete the entry instead, click Cancel.

  • To accept an out-of-balance journal entry, select Features from the Form menu. On Features, select the Out of Balance JE Mode check box and click OK. On Journal Entry, click OK.

    Situations in which you might accept an out-of-balance journal entry include:

    • If the General Ledger Post program (R09801) terminated abnormally and the system posted only part of an original journal entry.

    • You are entering a journal entry with multiple detail lines and need to leave your workstation, but you want to save your work-in-process before you exit the program.