Adding Pool Definitions

Access the Add Pool Definitions form.

Effective Date

Enter the effective date for the pool ID.

Note: The effective date for the pool ID does not need to exactly match the effective date for the segment. The combination of segment ID and burden category must exist in the Segment Definition table (F48S80) with an effective date before or equal to the date entered on this form.
Pool ID

Enter a code to identify the pool ID.

The combination of values for segment ID, burden category, effective date, and pool ID must be unique because these values make up the unique key for the Pool Definition table (F48S83). However, the same pool ID can be associated with different burden categories or with other segments.

Applied DR (applied debit)

Enter the account number to use to calculate and create the over and under applied entries during the burdening and reburdening processes. Enter the account number using the BU.Obj.Sub (business unit.object.subsidiary) format.

The system uses these account numbers when it creates journal entries for the total applied burden entries.

Contra CR (contra credit)

Enter the account number to use to calculate and create the over and under applied entries during the burdening and reburdening processes. Enter the account number using the BU.Obj.Sub format.

The system uses these account numbers when it creates journal entries for the total applied burden entries.

Ending Date

Enter an ending date that is greater than the effective date. This field is optional. Under most circumstances, the ending date is automatically maintained by the system. As each new pool definition is added on this form, any previous definition using the same segment ID, burden category, and pool ID is automatically updated with an ending date that is one day before the effective date of the record being added.