Payment Clear

Select this tab if the reconciliation rule applies to payments that have cleared the bank.

Payment Variance

Select this check box for payment variances. If selected, the system displays the Variance Account, Variance Date Mode, Tolerance Limit, and Variance Doc Type fields, which are required.

Payment Reconciliation Date Exception

Select this check box for the system to reconcile payments if the cleared date in the F09617 table is before the general ledger date in the F0911 table.

Reconciliation Code

Enter a value from UDC table 09/RC. This value is used by the Process Automatic Bank Statement program to indicate that a bank statement has been approved or processed, a payment was voided, and so on. If you leave this field blank, the system uses R (Reconciled One for One Match) as the default value.

Variance Account

Enter the general ledger account that the system uses to record any variance amounts for this transaction type and reconciliation rule. This field and the remaining fields on this tab appear only if the Payment Variance check box is selected.

Variance Date Mode

Enter a value from UDC table 09/DT to specify the default date for the system to use when it automatically creates journal entries for variances. Values are:

1: Bank statement date

2: Today's date

3: Cleared date

Tolerance Limit

Enter the maximum amount or highest percentage allowed for the system to create an automatic write-off record.

Variance Doc Type

Enter a value from UDC table 00/DT for the system to use to create variance journal entries for payments when you run the Process Automatic Bank Statement program. If you leave this field blank, the system uses PN (Manual Check) as the default value.