Understanding the Address Book Conversion Programs

You use the Address Book Conversion - F03012 program to convert default currency codes, address book currency codes and amounts, or both for multiple customers. To do so, you must set these processing options for the Address Book Conversion - F03012 program:

  • Exchange rate date to use to convert address book amounts.

  • Currency code to use to convert address book currency code and amounts.

    The system updates the A/B Amount Code (CRCA) field in the F03012 table.

  • Currency code to use to convert default currency codes.

    The system updates the Currency Code field (CRCD) in the F03012 table.

You can set up different versions of the R8903012E program if you want to convert different currency codes for specific customers. For example, you might set up one version of the program to convert default currency codes only, another version to convert address book currency codes and amounts only, and still another to convert both.

Use the data selection to select only those customers that you want to convert to another currency. If you do not specify address book numbers, the conversion program converts all customers. To convert amounts for all customers that are assigned a certain category code, specify the category code.