Incident Notification (Release 9.2 Update)

1. Send Notification on Incident Creation

Use this processing option to indicate whether the system automatically sends notifications to all members in the incident notification list when you add a new incident. The system uses this processing option for both the Incident Master program (P54HS00) and Report an Incident program (P54HS30). Values are:

Blank: Do not send notification.

1: Send notification.

2. Distribution List Address Number for Incident Notifications

Use this processing option to use the incident notification list for the distribution list when you add an incident. Enter a valid address book number for the distribution list.

3. Organization Structure Type for Distribution List

Use this processing option to indicate whether the system uses a default value for the organization structure type when you enter an incident. Enter a value from the Search Type UDC table (01/ST) that is associated with the distribution list on the incident notification list. If you use a distribution list to send notifications, you must enter the organization structure type. You use this processing option for both the Incident Master program (P54HS00) and the Report an Incident program (P54HS30).

4. Individual Address Number for Incident Notifications

Use this processing option to indicate whether the system uses a default individual address number in the incident notification list for a new incident. Enter a valid address book number for the individual. You use this processing option for both the Incident Master program (P54HS00) and the Report an Incident program (P54HS30).

5. Notify Incident Originator Supervisor Address

Use this processing option to specify whether to send an email to the Originator Supervisor Address for a selected incident. Values are:

Blank: Do not send notification.

1: Send notification.

6. Notify Incident Originator Supervisor's Supervisor Address

Use this processing option to specify whether to send an email to the Originator Supervisor's Supervisor for a selected incident. Values are:

Blank: Do not send notification.

1: Send notification.

7. Notify Incident Reported by Address

Use this processing option to specify whether to send an email to the Reported By Address for a selected incident. Values are:

Blank: Do not notification.

1: Send notification.

8. Notify Incident Investigated by Address

Use this processing option to specify whether to send an email to the Investigated by Address for a selected incident. Values are:

Blank: Do not send notification.

1: Send notification.

9. Notify Incident Handler Address

Use this processing option to specify whether to send an email to the Handler Address for a selected incident. Values are:

Blank: Do not send notification.

1: Send notification.

10. Notify Incident People Based on Role

Use this processing option to specify whether to send an email to the People Based on Role for a selected incident. Values are:

Blank: Do not send notification.

1: Send notification.

Note: This processing option is used only if the special handling code value is set to X in the 54HS/RL UDC.