
1. Conditional Locking of Edits to the Incident and Tasks

Use this processing option for conditional locking of the incident according to the special handling codes of X and A when they are set up in the Special Handling Code column for the incident status (UDC 54HS/ST). When an incident has a status where the special handling code is set to X, the user will not be able to edit the incident and associated tasks when this processing option is set to 1. When an incident has a status where the special handling code is set to A, the user will not be able to edit the incident, but they will be able to continue to edit the associated tasks when this processing option is set to 1. Values are:

Blank: Conditional locking is not enabled.

1: Conditional locking is enabled.

2. Delete Incident data from Change History Tables

Use this processing option to specify whether the associated incident data from the change history tables should also be deleted when an incident is deleted. Values are:

Blank: Do not delete the associated incident data from the change history tables when an incident is deleted.

1: Delete the associated incident data from the change history tables when an incident is deleted.

3. Lock Incident Number During 'ADD' using P54HS00 (Release 9.2 Update)

Use this processing option to lock the Incident Number field from being edited when you add a new incident using the Incident Master program (P54HS00). This processing option does not apply when you add an incident by using the Speed Incident Entry program (P54HS30). Values are:

Blank: Locking is not enabled.

1: Locking is enabled.

4. Advance Incident Status When All Tasks Are Complete

Use this processing option to indicate whether the system automatically advances the incident status when all tasks have been completed. The system will use the value entered for the Task Completed Status to determine if all tasks are at that status. The system will also use the Designated Incident Status to determine which value to set for the incident status if this processing option is set to automatically advance the incident status. Values are:

Blank: Do not automatically advance the incident status.

1: Automatically advance the incident status when all tasks are complete.

5. Require At Least One Incident Classification

Use this processing option to specify whether the system requires at least one of these eight Incident Classification check boxes to be selected when you create a new incident: 1) Authorities Alerted, 2) Potential Incident, 3) Property/Equipment Damage, 4) Motor Vehicle Involved, 5) Environmental Impact, 6) Injury/Illness, 7) Security, 8) Other. The "Exclude From Safety Statistics" check box is not included in this requirement. If the processing option is set to require at least one incident classification, the user must select one or more to be able to add the new incident. The system uses this processing option for both the Incident Entry (P54HS00) and Speed Incident Entry (P54HS30) programs. Values are:

Blank: No Incident Classifications are required when creating a new incident.

1: At least one Incident Classification is required when creating a new incident.