Incident User Defined Codes

This table lists the user defined codes for incidents.

UDC Code

System Usage

Type of Incident Cost

Indicates the type of cost related to the incident. The values are stored in the UDC table (54HS/CT).

Drug and Alcohol Result

Indicates the drug and alcohol testing results. The values are stored in the UDC table (54HS/DR).

Incident Causal Factor

Indicates the causal factor of the incident. The values are stored in the UDC table (54HS/FC).

Incident Frequency

Indicates the frequency that an incident of this type might occur or has occurred. This is used as a measure of risk. The values are stored in the UDC table (54HS/FR).

Insurance Claim Status

Indicates the status of the insurance claim related to the incident. The values are stored in the UDC table (54HS/IS).

Other Classification

Indicates additional information when the Other option is selected in the Incident Classifications form in the Incident Master program. For example, you might use this UDC to specify that a fire or explosion occurred, that unsafe conditions are observed, or that a safety inspection or audit occurred. The values are stored in the UDC table (54HS/OC).

Potential Recurrence

Indicates the type of potential recurrence for an incident. The values are stored in the UDC table (54HS/PR).

Party Responsible Code

Indicates the type of party responsible for the incident. The values are stored in the UDC table (54HS/RS).

Security Classification

Indicates the type of security incident. The values are stored in the UDC table (54HS/SC).

Incident Status

Indicates the current status of the incident. The values are stored in the UDC table (54HS/ST).

Note: You can use the Special Handling Code for the Incident Status UDC (54HS/ST) to lock the incident. Locking the incident will prevent users from making further edits. A value of "L" in the Special Handling Code column will always lock an incident when the incident is set to that status, regardless of the processing option for conditional locking. A value of "X" or "A" will conditionally lock the incident from further edits if the corresponding processing option is turned on. "X" will lock the incident and activities from further edits, and "A" will lock the incident but allow edits for the activities.

Incident Severity

Indicates the severity of the incident. The values are stored in the UDC table (54HS/SV). The values for this UDC are color-coded.

Incident Task Type

Indicates the type of task assigned to the incident. The values are stored in the UDC table (54HS/TT).

Safety Metric Basis

Indicates the basis for the safety metrics for the incident. The value Hours is hard-coded but other values can be added. OSHA requires safety metrics, such as incident rate, to be based on hours. The values are stored in the UDC table (54HS/MB).

Record Type

Indicates the type of incident record, such as safety observation, safety inspection, near miss, or reportable incident. The values are stored in the UDC table (54HS/RT).