
In the Edit Incident form, select the People tab.

You use the fields in the People tab to enter information of a person or people involved with this incident, their role, injuries and regulatory (OSHA) illness or injury information. If you enter a person by selecting them from the Address Book certain fields can default in for that person.

The People form contains these collapsible subforms:


You identify all people associated with the incident using the People subform. When you click the Contact Information button, the system displays emergency contact information for the grid row selected. You can add information about a person directly in the grid or after entering their name, you can use the People Details button to complete entering the details for that person. You can enter information for any person, even if that person is not an employee. If the person has an address book record, you can enter a valid address book number. If the person does not have an address book record, you can skip this field and enter the name of the person. After you enter the address book number, indicate the role the person had in the incident.

The People Details form organizes the information into convenient sections to facilitate data entry. The options at the top of this form are important for One View Reporting. You use these options to indicate if individuals are employees or not, and if they are injured or ill. The people detail sections are:

  • Job Related: The system can populate some of the fields in this section using default values from the employee record. If you add or edit information in this section it will not update the employee master. It will be stored in the people record for the incident.

  • Personal / Contact: Use the fields in this section to record additional personal information.

  • Risk: Use the fields in this section to record worker compensation or other insurance information along with drug and alcohol testing information.

  • Reported Injury: Use the fields in this section to describe the primary or most severe injury or illness for the person. If you flag the injury or illness as OSHA Recordable, the incident will be included for regulatory reporting.

  • Case Information: You must enter a case and report on the case if an employee is injured or ill on the job. Select the Recordable option to let the system assign a case number. The system assigns case numbers sequentially starting over each calendar year. It does not take into account any other field such as establishment. Select the Privacy Case option, if a person wants to remain anonymous on reports and in the Case Inquiry program. This will replace the name with Privacy Case, the Person ID with 99999999 and display the Privacy Case Alternate Description. Complete this section to record the information necessary for the OSHA and BLS reporting. There is a processing option to control whether privacy case is recognized for the Incident Master program.

  • Category Codes: There are ten category codes to further describe and categorize the person related to the incident.

You can use the People Details button to access all the people fields on one form. After you add or update information in the People Details form, click the Save button on that form to save the changes. You must also click the Save button on the Edit Incident form to save the changes made to the incident.

Injury or Illness Details

You enter additional illness or injury details into a separate grid. A person could have many injury detail records and could have a complex injury. The Injury/Illness section enables you to capture information in detail about the injury. When you add a person to an incident, you can use the Additional Injury/Illness Details button to enter any additional injuries or illnesses for that person related to the incident. You record the most severe, or primary injury or illness on the People Details form, and enter only additional injuries and illnesses on the Injury/Illness Details subform. The Injury/Illness Details subform also provides a Privacy Case Alternate Description field for each additional injury. There are five additional category codes for these injuries and illnesses. The system stores information for additional injuries and illnesses in the Incident Injury / Illness Details table (F54HS021). This subform has a Delete button that you can use to delete records in the form. If you delete the person record from the incident, any additional injuries or illness records related to that person for the incident are deleted.


You can set processing options to display the HR Competencies for the employees related to the incident.