Understanding General System Setup

Before using any features in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Health and Safety Incident Management system, you need to define critical information that the system uses for processing. You also need to define information that you will use to enter data throughout the system. This table describes the information that you must set up before you begin using the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Health and Safety Incident Management system:



Email Distribution Groups

Set up email distribution groups to send an email notification to the interested parties after the incident is recorded.

Setting Up Email Distribution Groups

External Safety Hours

Set up external safety hours to calculate the reporting and analytical information unless you retrieve this information from the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Payroll system tables.

If you are not using the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Payroll system, you will need to enter external safety hours and the average annual number of employees using the Safety Hours Entry program (P54HS20).

Understanding Safety Hours

Composite Application Framework

Set up Composite Application Framework to display a map showing the incident location using either the address fields or the Latitude/Longitude fields.

Setting Up Composite Application Framework


Set up establishments for OSHA reporting in the address book records. You use the Establishment Condition program (P086011) to enter a condition record for each establishment for each calendar year being reported. To default the establishment, when creating a new incident for each user who enters incidents into the system, you must set up the establishment in the Employee Supplemental Data program

Understanding Establishments

Companies, Business Units, and Projects

Set up companies using the Company Master program (P0010). Set up business units and projects using the Business Unit Master program (P0006). You can associate incidents with companies, business units, and projects. This is useful for analyzing incidents by these different organizational units.

See: "Setting Up Companies" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Financial Management Fundamentals Implementation Guide

See: "Setting Up Business Units" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Financial Management Fundamentals Implementation Guide

Home Business Unit and Home Company

To default the company and business unit fields, when creating a new incident for each user who enters incidents into the system, set up their home company and home business unit in the Employee Master program (P0801). Then make sure that the Employee Profile Setup program (P20103) is set to use the Employee Master as the Source Table.

Address Book Records

Set up address book records using the Address Book Master program (P01012). Address book records are used for establishments, employees, agencies, contractors, distribution lists, and facilities. You do not have to use address book records for employees, but if you do, the system uses the default values of many of the fields related to the employee. There are some fields on the incident record that must have a valid address book record if you want to use them. These fields include Establishment, Distribution List, Individuals to be Notified, Contractor Responsible for Product (on the Environmental Impact record), Originator, Reported By, Investigated By, Incident Handler, Foreman, Mentor, Supervisor, Facility (medical), and Contractor/3rd Party.

Inventory Items

For incidents that have an environmental impact, you can associate products or substances spilled or released with the incident. You may want to select this from the Inventory Item Master, although it is optional. You can set up products or substances in the Inventory Item Master program (P4101). The system does not use the item branch record.

Equipment, Property, and Motor Vehicles

Many times, incidents involve motor vehicles or result in damage to property or equipment. You can use the information already set up in the Asset Master table for company owned equipment, but it is optional. You use the Work with Equipment Master program (P1701) and the License Information program (P1206) to set up equipment or assets.

Work Orders

If you want to use work orders to track remedial actions and related costs for incidents, you must set up work orders in one of the many work order programs. You can then associate the incident with the work order and display the actual and estimated work order costs in the Costs section of the incident master. If a parent work order number is associated with an incident, the costs shown will include the costs of the children work orders.