Understanding Specialized Business Views for Additional One View Reporting

If you want to search across incidents for common agency or costs information, you can use the additional specialized business views:

  • Incident and Agencies Join - One View business view (V54HS04B)

    You can use the V54HS04B business view to search for agencies across all incidents. For example, you can search for all incidents where a common agency was involved. The V54HS04B business view has all the columns from the Incident Master table (F54HS01), excluding the five audit fields and the four media object fields, and all columns from the Incident Agencies table (F54HS04), excluding the audit fields.

  • Incident and Costs Join - One View business view (V54HS07B)

    You can use the V54HS07B business view to search for costs across all incidents. For example, you can search for all incidents with the same cost types. The V54HS07B business view has all of the columns from the Incident Master table (F54HS01), excluding the five audit fields and the four media object fields, and all columns from the Incident Costs table (F54HS07), excluding the audit fields.