Accessing the Specialized Business Views for Additional One View Reporting

To access the specialized business views, complete the following steps:

  1. Enter Databrowser in the Fast Path field to access the Query Selector form.

  2. On the Query Selector form, select the By Business View option and click on the Visual Assist button for the Name field.

  3. On the Business View Search & Select form, enter V54HS* in the Object Name Query By Example (QBE) field and *One View in the Member Description QBE field. The system displays the business views for the Health and Safety Incident Management system in the grid.

  4. After you select the business view you want, you can see and access all the records. You can search the business views using the header fields, the Query By Example (QBE) line, or the Advance Query features. You can export from the grid using the Tools icon in the toolbar or build custom reports using the One View icon.