Understanding the Incident Management Purge Program (R54HS410)

You run the Incident Management Purge program (R54HS410) to purge incident records.

You can set a processing option to run the program in proof or final mode. You select the incident records that you want to purge using data selection and run the Incident Management Purge program. The system generates a report that lists the incident number, incident description, the date the incident occurred, additional tables, and the number of incidents that you have selected to purge. Additional tables include tables related to people, additional injury or illness, equipment, agencies, notifications, tasks, costs, and environment. The report also lists from which additional tables the data was purged.

You can run the program in proof mode to verify whether the incident records that you have selected to purge are accurate. You run the program in final mode to delete records for selected incidents from the Incident Master table (F54HS01), additional tables, all associated media objects and change history tables. If you have not selected any incident records, the report lists that you have not selected any data. The change history tables will be deleted regardless of the processing option on P54HS00 related to deleting incidents. That processing option does not apply to the purge program.

(Release 9.2 Update) The Incident Management Purge Program has been updated to enable users to purge any user defined incident data that is associated with the incidents that are being purged.