Cross-Referencing PDBAs

Access the PDBA Heading Cross Reference Detail form.

To cross-reference PDBAs:

  1. Complete the PDBA Code or PDBA Type field in the QBE row and click Find.

  2. To indicate that you want to cross-reference a benefit, enter an X in the ER Paid 'X' field.

    The system does not allow you to enter an X in the ER Paid 'X' field for a deduction code because deductions can only be employee-paid.

  3. If this is a deduction that you want to cross-reference, enter an X in the EE Paid 'X' field.

    The system does not allow you to enter an X in the EE Paid 'X' field for a PDBA code, such as a pay type code, that can only be employer-paid.

    The employer-paid and employee-paid amounts from all the PDBAs that you cross-reference to a single heading will be totaled to produce total employer and employee contributions for that heading.

  4. To review the cross-references, select the Display Selected option.

  5. When you have cross-referenced all the PDBAs that you want, click OK.