Cross-Referencing Tax Information

Access the Tax Heading Cross Reference Detail form.

To cross-reference tax information:

  1. Complete the Tax Area or Tax Type field in the QBE line and click Find.

  2. Enter an X in either of these fields for each tax area that you want to cross-reference, and then click OK:

    • ER Paid 'X'

    • EE Paid 'X'

      To produce the total of the employer and employee contributions for a heading, the system adds together the amounts from all of the tax areas that you cross-reference to a single heading.

  3. To review the cross-references, select the Display Selected option.

    • Benefit Statement Heading

      Enter the heading for the benefit statement.

    • Heading Description

      Enter a description, remark, name, or address.

    • Heading Type

      Enter a code that designates the heading type of the Benefit Statement. Values are:

      Blank: Other (any type that is not Benefits or Earnings).

      B: Benefits.

      E: Earnings.

    • PDBA Code (pay type, deduction, benefit, accrual code)

      Enter a code that defines the type of pay type, deduction, benefit, or accrual.

      Pay types are numbered from 1 to 999. Deductions and benefits are numbered from 1000 to 9999.

    • PDBA Type (pay type, deduction, benefit, accrual type)

      Enter a code that specifies the type of payroll entry. The hard-coded values are:

      P: Time Cards (earnings)

      D: Deductions withheld

      B: Benefit (both cash and noncash)

      A: Time accrual, such as sick and vacation time

      When you enter * in this field, the system displays all four types of PDBAs.

    • ER Paid 'X' (Employer Paid 'X')

      Enter a value that specifies whether the employer (not the employee) pays a pay type or a PDBA. Enter an X in this field if the employer pays the PDBA. If you enter an X in both the Paid by Employer and Paid by Employee fields, the system generates an error message. If you leave both the Paid by Employer and Paid by Employee fields blank, the system does not store the record.

    • EE Paid 'X' (Employee Paid 'X')

      Enter a value that specifies whether the employee (not the employer) pays a PDBA. Enter an X to specify that the employee pays the PDBA. If you enter an X in both the Paid by Employer and Paid by Employee fields, the system generates an error message. If you leave both the Paid by Employer and Paid by Employee fields blank, the system does not store the record.

    • Display Selected

      Select this option to specify the information that the program displays. When you select this option, the program displays only the items that you selected for Benefit Statement Heading.

    • Tax Area

      Enter a code that identifies a geographical location and the tax authorities for an employee work site, including employee and employer statutory requirements. In the Vertex payroll tax calculation software, the tax area code is synonymous with GeoCode. To determine the valid codes for the location, refer to the documentation for the tax calculation software that you are using.

    • Tax Type

      Enter a code from UDC 07/TX that specifies the type of payroll tax being processed. To set up state minimum wage amounts, you must enter MW in this field. To do so, you must first add MW to UDC 07/TX. However, you should not change the codes and definitions that are provided with the software.