Enrolling Employees Using Batch Enrollment

To enroll multiple employees at the same time, use the Batch Enrollment program (R083800). The Batch Enrollment program is an especially efficient tool for enrolling employees in mandatory plans. For example, you can enroll all employees who are assigned to the management benefit group in a mandatory management medical plan.

You can also use the Batch Enrollment program to enroll employees in default plans. That is, if a category has more than one plan, you can set up one plan as the default. If an employee does not make a selection from the category, the system enrolls the employee in the default plan.

In addition, if you have enrolled employees who did not immediately pass the eligibility requirement, you can run the Batch Enrollment program to retest their eligibility. The program also tests continuing eligibility. For example, an employee who experiences a reduction in hours can become ineligible for the benefit plan. The system uses the defined effective date to retest the employees and enrolls the employees who meet the test criteria. To test for eligibility, the system uses the eligibility rules and date codes that are assigned to the plan in conjunction with the enrollment parameters.

For example, an employee might have a three-month waiting period for active enrollment. Suppose that you receive the election forms one month after the hire date and enter the elections. The employee does not pass the initial eligibility test, so the system gives the employee an ineligible status. When you run the Batch Enrollment program with an effective date that is three months after the hire date, the program retests the employee using the initial eligibility test. This time, the employee passes the eligibility test, and the system updates the records. You can review both the before and after enrollment records to review the changes that the system made.

If you use data selection criteria for the version of the Batch Enrollment program that you run, you must include benefit status in the data selection criteria.

Depending on how you set the processing options, the Batch Enrollment program generates one or more of the reports described in this table:



Detail By Employee

Review all employees and their corresponding enrollment status for each benefit plan.

Invalid Enrollment

Identify any employees enrolled in a benefit plan that is not available for the benefit group.

One Election Required

Identify employees who have not elected at least one plan within a category that requires election of a plan.

Manual Review

Identify any employees enrolled in a benefit plan that is not available for the benefit group.

No Action Taken

Review the records that the system did not change during the batch enrollment. The report includes remarks indicating why the enrollment was not made and the action that must occur before the system enrolls the employee. Additionally, the report lists invalid date errors and indicates that incorrect dates were included in the plan setup.

To preview the changes that will take place during batch enrollment, you can run the Batch Enrollment program in proof mode. After you review the reports to verify that the enrollments are correct, you can run the Batch Enrollment program in final mode. To verify enrollment for the employees that you selected, select

Daily Processing menu (G08BB1), Enrollment with Eligibility or Enrollment Overrides.

Note: The system recalculates the plan costs every time that you run the Batch Enrollment program.

See Setting Up Enrollment Parameters.