Unenrolling Employees Using Batch Enrollment

To simultaneously unenroll multiple employees from a benefit plan, use the Batch Enrollment program (R083800). If you add data selection criteria for the version that you create, you must include benefit status.

To preview the changes that will take place when you run the version that you have created, you can run the Batch Enrollment program in proof mode. After you review the reports to verify that the information is correct, you can run the Batch Enrollment program in final mode. To verify that the employees you selected are unenrolled, select

Daily Processing menu (G08BB1), Enrollment with Eligibility or Enrollment Overrides.

When you have successfully unenrolled the selected employees, you no longer need the enrollment parameters that you created for each plan from which employees were unenrolled. We recommend that you delete them from the Enrollment Parameters program (P08392).

Before you can unenroll employees using batch enrollment you must:

  • Determine the plans or categories from which you need to unenroll employees.

  • Enter this information in the Enrollment Parameters program (P08392) to create enrollment parameters for each plan from which you are unenrolling employees: