Enrolling Employees Using Eligibility

To enroll an employee in benefit plans that have eligibility requirements, you can use the Enrollment with Eligibility program. Before you can use this feature, the employee must be assigned to a benefit group. When you enroll an employee, the system tests for eligibility and assigns the applicable enrollment status and date to the employee's record, based on which eligibility requirements are met.

The system displays the selected employee's benefit group, benefit group rule, pay frequency, benefit status, and date started. If the employee's benefit group does not offer flex plans, the system also displays the total payroll deduction for the plans in which the employee is enrolled. The system updates this total as you change the employee's enrollment.

If the selected employee's benefit group offers flex plans, the system displays the Flex Elections tab, which lists the employee's available, spent, and remaining flex credits. The system also displays the employee's non-flex payroll deductions, any flex payroll deduction that results from overspending flex credits, and total payroll deductions.

The system displays a color-coded indicator in the upper-right corner of the enrollment form to indicate the current payroll status of an employee. This table describes the color-coding for the statuses:




Active employee not included in the current payroll cycle.


Active employee included in the current payroll cycle.


Terminated employee.


Employee on leave of absence.

For some benefit plans, you can enter variable amounts or rates. For example, when you enroll an employee in a retirement plan, you can enter the percentage of salary that the employee contributes to the plan. When you enroll an employee in a plan that requires you to enter an amount or rate that is unique to the employee, an additional form appears on which you can enter the information.

You can set up a default plan for a benefit category in which employees are required to elect a plan. For example, you can set up a medical benefit category that includes three plans, with a default plan for no coverage. Employees can select a medical plan in which they participate. If an employee does not select a medical plan in the category, the system automatically enrolls the employee in the default plan for no coverage.

When you enroll an employee in benefit plans, you can use the options on the Row menu to access detailed information about individual benefit plans.

See Working with Enrollment with Eligibility.