Understanding Employee Enrollment

You enroll employees in benefits plans so that they can participate in the benefit that the organization offers. You also enroll employees so that they can pay premiums or make contributions to the benefit plans through payroll deductions. You can select from these methods for enrolling employees in benefits:

  • Enrollment with eligibility

  • Enrollment overrides

  • Batch enrollment

  • Self service enrollment

For benefit plans that have eligibility requirements, you can enroll employees using enrollment with eligibility or batch enrollment. You also use these methods when that company requires a specified group of employees to participate in particular plans. For example, you can use batch enrollment to enroll every employee assigned to the management benefit group in a mandatory management medical plan.

When you use enrollment with eligibility or batch enrollment, the system verifies that the employee's eligibility meets the standards for the plans and plan options that are available to the benefit group.

To use either enrollment with eligibility or batch enrollment, you must create benefit groups when you set up the system. A benefit group identifies the type of employee who is eligible for a particular set of benefits. Examples of benefit groups include executives, hourly employees, and part-time employees. You can create benefit categories (sets of related types of benefit plans) for each benefit group, and you can link multiple benefit plans to each category. For example, you can create a benefit category called Medical and link two medical plans—a traditional-style plan and a health maintenance organization—to that category.

Additionally, you can set up default plans for some benefit categories. When a category has more than one plan, you can define one of the plans as the default plan. If an employee does not select a plan or plan option, when you run the Enrollment with Eligibility program or the Batch Enrollment program, the system automatically enrolls the employee in the default plan.

You can use enrollment overrides when you need to waive eligibility requirements for specified employees.

As an alternative to staff members entering each employee's enrollment information, you can allow employees to enroll themselves online using self service benefits.

SeeJD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Foundation Guide.

See Understanding Enrolling in Flex Benefit Plans.

See "Employee Self-Service S Benefits Setup" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Human Capital Management Self-Service Implementation Guide.