Auto Call

1. Enter a '1' to automatically call the Category Code window when adding a job. Default of blank will not call the Window.

Specify whether the system automatically displays the Category Code Window form when you add a job record. Values are:

Blank: Do not display.

1: Display.

2. Enter the country whose legislative/regulatory window is to be called when adding a job. A blank will call the form which applies to the country of the default company 00000.

Specify the code from UDC 00/CN for a country-specific legislative/regulatory window that the system displays when you add a job record. Values are:

Blank: Displays the form that is linked to the default company 00000.

Enter an appropriate code.

3. Enter a '1' to automatically call the Job Evaluation window when adding a job. Default of blank will not call the Window.

Specify whether the system automatically displays the Job Evaluation form when you add a job record. Values are:

Blank: Do not display.

1: Display.