Cross Reference Business Units and Jobs

Access the Business Unit/Job ID Cross Reference form.

Benefit Group

Enter the benefit group from UDC 06/BG to which the employee is assigned. Benefit groups facilitate employee enrollment by categorizing benefit plans and allowing enrollment rules for those categories. For example, assigning an employee to an executive (EXEC) benefit group automatically links the employee to the benefits available to executives in your organization.

WCI Code (workers' compensation insurance code)

Enter a code from UDC 00/W that represents a workers' compensation insurance (WCI) code. This code should correspond to the classifications on your periodic workers' compensation insurance reports.

S C (special circumstances)

Enter a code from UDC 07/WH that specifies any special circumstances associated with the workers compensation insurance (WCI) code, resulting in multiple rates for the same WCI code due to location or risk, for example. The subclass should remain blank if multiple rates do not exist. Values are:

Blank: No special circumstances.

F: Special circumstances.