Entering Multiple Remainder Records

You can enter multiple remainder records when setting up auto deposit instructions, using Pay Start Date and Pay Stop Date fields.

For example, an employee might want to deposit $1000 USD per pay period into their checking account. They would also like, for the next 2 months, for the remaining amount of their pay to be deposited into savings account A. After the two month period, they want the remainder amount to be deposited into savings account B. To accomplish this, you can set up multiple remainder records using start and stop dates.

If you enter multiple remainder records, the records with the earlier dates must have a Pay Start Date and a Pay Stop Date. The latest remainder record must have a Pay Start Date and leave the Pay Stop Date field blank.

When you enter multiple remainder records, the latest remainder record must have a Pay Start Date that is one day after the Pay Stop Date entered on the earlier remainder record. If a valid remainder record does not exist for the remainder amount during a payroll cycle, a check is created.