Geographic Tax Data

Home State

Enter the employee's home state for tax reporting purposes. This code designates the state in which the employee resides.

Note: For W-2 reporting, use the numeric equivalent of the designated state. For example: 06 - Colorado, 05 - California. Otherwise, the system produces undesirable report results. If you leave this field blank, the system uses the value in the Tax Area (Resident) field on the Pay and Tax Information form as the employee's resident (base) state.
Home City

Enter the location or city where the employee resides.

Work State

Enter the employee's work state for tax reporting purposes. This code indicates the state in which the employee normally works. The system uses this code to compute state income tax withholding. You can override this code during time entry, if necessary.

Work City

Enter the employee's work city for tax reporting purposes. This code indicates the city in which the employee normally works.

Work Country

Enter the employee's work country for tax reporting purposes. This code indicates the country in which the employee normally works.