Payroll Processing

Pay Cycle Code

Enter a code that identifies the values for a master payroll cycle.

Employee Classification Status

Enter an employee classification that determines the type of employee to the system. It identifies them as an independent contractor, a regular employee, or a step progression employee. Values are:

Y: Independent Contractor

N: Regular Employee

S: Employee using Step Progression

Work Schedule

Enter a user-defined code to designate intra-pay period work schedules. This code can be used for reporting and to select employees to be included in a payroll run. For example:

A: Monday through Friday

B: Saturday through Wednesday

C: Monday through Thursday (4 × 10 hours)

Record Type

Enter a code that identifies whether the employee is to be handled through recharge processing for the Payroll Journal Entry program. Values are:

1: Payroll Processing Only

2: Payroll and Recharge Processing

3: Recharge Processing Only

After a timecard has been added, you cannot change its record type.

Pre-Note Code

Enter a code that lets you test the deposit instructions for one pay period before actually processing a deposit. Adding an employee to this form automatically activates this person in the automated deposit system. The system assigns a pre-note code to this employee in the next applicable payroll run to test the automatic deposit instructions you set up before actually depositing a check. In the pre-note test, the system creates a zero-dollar entry for this employee and sends it to the employee's bank account. In addition, the employee receives a check for this amount. After the test, the system changes this field to N. To repeat this test, enter P in this field.

If you leave this field blank, the system uses the default value of P.

If you change an employee's automatic deposit instructions, the system creates a pre-note. If you do not want a pre-note, you must change the value in the Pre-note Code field to N.

Do not use this field for Canadian employees.

Wage Attachment Payee

Enter the address book number for the supplier who receives the final payment.

In benefits administration, this is the address book number of the company that issues the plan and receives premium payments for it.

For wage attachments, the payee is the address book number of the agency, company, individual, or court that is to receive the payment of the check.

Vacation Factor

Enter a value in this field represents the number of pay periods that this check is to cover. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Payroll system uses this value to direct the Vertex payroll tax program to treat the pay as a vacation advance. The computed taxes are automatically averaged over the number of pay periods. See the Vertex system manual for an explanation of the method of calculating tax on vacation advances.

Max/Min Net Pay (maximum/minimum net pay)

Enter the lowest amount to be generated as a check, bank advice, or payslip. The system does not allow zero amount checks if you have specified a minimum check amount. You can leave this field blank. Generally, the value in this field specifies the minimum amount that must be paid to the employee.

Labor Distribution Method

Enter a value that controls whether the labor costs include a flat burden for payroll taxes and benefits. Values are:

0: The flat burden factor is always 1.0000, so the resulting amount for the flat burden is zero.

1: The flat burden factor is always greater than 1.0000, so the labor costs include a flat burden.

Labor Distribution Multiplier

Enter a multiplier to load direct labor costs with burden. For example, a factor of 1.32 would load every dollar of labor cost with 32 cents worth of burden.

Distribution Rate

Enter a number that specifies the rate that the system uses to bill for labor services. This rate is often referred to as the billing or recharge rate. The system charges the resulting amount, based on this rate, to the primary distribution account for the timecard. The system also enters an offset to an account that is derived from automatic accounting instructions. This rate does not affect employee payroll.

To allow billing rates in time entry, you must enter a value of 2 (payroll and recharge processing) or 3 (recharge processing only) in the Record Type field on the Employee Payroll Revisions form.

Pay Cycle Bypass Count

Enter the number of pay cycles (paychecks) that the system bypasses. You normally specify this number during the interim check process for short term absences such as vacations and jury duty. The system prints a normal paycheck for an employee only when this number is zero.

For Flexible Spending Accounts Auto Deposit Instructions Only: To bypass the auto deposit feature and write a manual check, you can use this field to specify the number of pay cycles that you want to bypass. Reasons for bypassing pay cycles might include an employee's involvement in jury duty, vacation, or leave of absence.

Labor Distribution Period ID

Enter a value from user-defined code (UDC) table 05T/LD that identifies the labor distribution period. If you leave this field blank, no labor distribution period is specified for the employee.

When you update the value in this field, the system also updates the LDID value in the F06116 table.

Not Subject to TTA Rules

Select an option from the drop-down menu to specify whether timecards for employees are subject to total time accounting (TTA) rules. These options are values from UDC table 05T/TA.

When you change the total time accounting rules for an existing employee who has timecard records, the system also updates the timecard in the F06116 table. For example, if you already created a timecard with the TTAR value set to Not Subject to TTA Rules, the TTAR value in the F06116 table would be 0. Now, if you update the TTAR field to Subject to Hourly Rate TTA Rules, the system will update the TTAR value of timecard in the F06116 table to 1. This value indicates that you should process the timecard through TTA rules.

Date of Last Raise

Enter the date of the employee's last raise. For the E-mail HR system, this is the date when you update salary and wages. If you also have the Payroll system, this date is automatically updated when a payroll is run. You define pay-effective dates using the Pay Rate Information form.

Date of Next Raise

Enter the date that the hourly or annual pay rate for the employee increases. The new rate goes into effect after a payroll cycle finishes with a pay period end date on or after the date of the next raise.

Business Unit – Last Worked

Enter the last business unit (job) number associated with this employee. This field is used for distribution of paychecks and in the generation of journal entries. When you process a payroll cycle that includes the employee, the system automatically updates this field.

Date of Last Check

Enter the date of the last payroll check issued to the employee. The system automatically updates this field when you run a payroll. If you leave this field blank, the system uses the check date as the default.