History and Turnover Tracking Initialization

After choosing data for history tracking, you initialize history and turnover tracking (R050810). The system activates history tracking for your chosen fields on the Employee Master Information table (F060116). You can review which fields are in the Employee Master Information table when you choose data for history tracking purposes.

If you set up the system options for history and turnover tracking before you begin entering employee records, you do not need to initialize history and turnover tracking. In this case, the system automatically creates history and turnover records when you add new employee records.

You need to run this program only if you begin using the history and turnover features after you have been using the system for a while. You can use these initial history and turnover records to determine when you began tracking history and turnover. After initializing, the system continues to create history and turnover records each time you change employee information fields that update the Employee Master Information table.