Understanding Hours of Service Parameters Setup

You use the Hours of Service Workbench program (P081162) to add the ACA parameters record required to generate the hours of service report. Before you define parameters on this program, you must set up the ALE ID on the ALE ID to Company Cross Reference program (P08116). Additionally, you must have the version for the ACA Hours of Service report (R081161) added in the system before you define a parameter record.

While defining a parameter record, you must define the measurement period. The system automatically calculates the weeks and months based on the period that you define, but you can override these values. The system runs the hours of service report based on the measurement period. When you run the Hours of Service report in final mode, the system stores the parameter record in the ACA Parameters History table (F0811629). While setting up a parameter record, you can also specify an eligibility status override that is normally determined by the hours of service report.