Understanding Hours of Service Workbench

Hours of Service workbench is a central location where you can perform setup and run various processes for hours of service reporting. The workbench simplifies the process of working with hours of service reporting and its associated information.

You access the Hours of Service Workbench program to perform these procedures:

  • Set up the ALE ID to Company Cross Reference.

    Note: You can also run this program from the G08ACA menu.
  • Define Hours of Service processing parameters.

  • Submit the Hours of Service report.

  • Review Employee Eligibility data created by the ACA Hours of Service report.

    Note: You can also run this program from the G08ACA menu.
  • Manually create or edit Employee Eligibility data.

From the Hours of Service workbench, you can also

  • Archive prior employee eligibility status information.

  • Review archived information.