Understanding Job Information Entry

You enter job information to identify and define the jobs within your organization. You must define and identify a job before you can enter supplemental data for it. When you enter a new job, you can review an existing job first, and then copy information from it, if applicable.

Initial job information includes information such as:

  • Job identifiers.

  • Job titles.

  • Reporting information.

  • Pay information.

  • Union codes.

  • Hourly or salary classification.

You must set up the processing options for Job Entry and Evaluation to allow a legislative form to appear after you enter job information. The legislative form allows you to enter job information that is specific to your country.

Entering this information at the job level simplifies the process of entering employee information because it eliminates the need to enter that information for each employee in that job. When you assign a job to an employee, you can have the system automatically assign all the associated job information to the employee. You can override this default job information for individual employees, if necessary.

After entering initial job information, you can evaluate a job to determine a salary for the position. Job evaluation is a method of comparing jobs and establishing equitable salaries for all positions relative to their importance and value to your company. You might evaluate jobs when you add new positions to your company or when you determine a salary increase for all positions in a certain job group to stay competitive with comparative salaries in the industry.

Depending on how the processing options are set up, you can access the job evaluation feature following the entry of job information, or you can access the feature from the menu. You choose a job evaluation method to evaluate your jobs, and then rate the job using the evaluation factors that you defined for that method. Typical evaluation factors include:

  • Problem-solving abilities

  • Technical skills

  • Working conditions

  • Leadership qualities

For each job, you assign values (degrees or points, depending on the evaluation method) to each of the evaluation factors. The system then automatically calculates the total evaluation degrees or points for the job.

You can use job evaluation information to compare job requirements and compensation with other jobs within your organization and to similar jobs within your industry.