Viewing Employee Information Using ADF

When you select the employee whose information you want to view, the system displays a card with the employee name and job title. If you set up the processing options in the Organization Chart program to display them, the cards will also include the address book number and employee picture.

Note: Terminated employees appear in the organization chart only if you enter 1 in the Display Terminated Employees processing option in the Employee Information for Organization Chart program. The names of terminated employees are highlighted in light red.

The following list describes the actions that you can perform and the information that you can view in the employee hierarchy:

  • Scroll through the contact, address, and organization views.

    Use the arrows on either side of the card to scroll through views. The contact view lists the employee's phone numbers and email address. The location view lists the employee's work address. The organization view lists the company and business unit, and the job type and step for the employee.

  • View supervisor and subordinate information.

    Click the Expand (plus sign) and Collapse (minus sign) icons to view supervisor and subordinate information.

  • Change the layout and view.

    The control panel enables you to zoom in or zoom out, select a layout format, and have all cards in the organization chart show the contact, address, or organization view of all employees displayed in the organization chart.

  • Display employee card in separate window.

    Hover your cursor over an employee card to view the card in a pop-up window. You can use this feature to more easily view employee details when the screen resolution or the number of cards in the chart makes the details difficult to view.

  • View employee profile.

    If the Allow Access to Employee Profile processing option in the Employee Organization Chart program is enabled, you can click the employee name to view the Employee Profile and Job Information form in the Employee Profile program (P061116).

  • Send email.

    If the Allow Users to Send Email processing option in the Employee Organization Chart program is enabled, you can click the employee's email address to send an email to the employee.