Case Information

Select the Case Information tab.

OSHA Recordable (Release 9.2 Update)

Enter a code that indicates whether this case must be recorded for OSHA 300 reports. Valid codes are:

Y: Yes, this case must be recorded.

N: No, do not record this case.

You are required to record information about every occupational death, every non-fatal occupational illness, and those non-fatal occupational injuries that involve loss of consciousness, restriction of work or motion, transfer to another job, or medical treatment.

OSHA Reportable (Release 9.2 Update)

An option that specifies whether the injuries or illness for the person must be reported to OSHA promptly, generally within 24 hours. Reportable injuries and illnesses include fatality (8 hours to report), amputation, loss of an eye, or an inpatient hospitalization.

Note that an injury or illness may be recordable for OSHA annual reporting purposes, but not necessarily reportable. Values are:

Selected (On): The injuries/illnesses for this person are reportable.

Cleared (Off): The injuries/illnesses for this person are not reportable.

To filter data using the QBE for this check box field, enter 1 to display the records with the OSHA Reportable check box selected or enter 0 to display the records with the OSHA Reportable check box cleared. Leave the QBE field blank to display all.

Date Reported

Enter the date that the occupational injury or illness was reported.

Involved Days Away from Work

Enter a code that specifies whether the employee lost any days of work as a result of the injury or illness. This field is required when reporting OSHA 300 incidents. Values are:

Y: Yes, the employee lost days of work

N: No, the employee did not lose days of work

This field is required for OSHA 300 reporting.

No. Days Away from Work (Number of Days Away from Work)

Enter the number of workdays (consecutive or not) on which the employee would have worked but could not because of occupational injury or illness.


The number of lost workdays should not include the day of injury or onset of illness or any days on which the employee would not have normally worked.

This field is required when reporting OSHA 300 incidents.

Involved Restricted Work

Enter a code that indicates whether the injury or illness involves any days of restricted work activity. Valid codes are:

Y: Yes, the employee has work restrictions

N: No, the employee does not have work restrictions

Work restrictions include:

  • Being assigned to another job on a temporary basis.

  • Working at a permanent job less than full time.

  • Working at a permanently assigned job but not being able to perform all the duties normally connected to it.

This field is required when reporting OSHA 300 incidents.

No. Days Restricted Work Activity (Number of Days of Restricted Work Activity)

Enter the number of workdays (consecutive or not) on which the employee has work restrictions as a result of the injury or illness. Work restrictions include:

  • Assignment to another job on a temporary basis.

  • Working at a permanent job less than full time.

  • Working at a permanently assigned job but not being able to perform all the duties normally connected to it.

Date Closed

Enter the date all matters concerning the occupational injury or illness case are settled and the case is closed.

Date Returned to Work

Enter the date that the employee returned to work if the injury or illness resulted in days away from work. Use this field in conjunction with the Away from Work field.

Date Deceased

Enter the date of the employee death.