Injury/Illness Information

Select the Injury/Illness Information tab.

Injury or Illness

Enter a defined code (08/IR) that indicates whether the case is an injury or an illness. Valid codes are:

IN: Injury: Injuries are caused by immediate events in the work environment. You must record an injury when it requires medical treatment (other than first aid), or if it involves loss of consciousness, restriction of work or motion, or transfer to another job.

IL: Illness: Illnesses are any abnormal condition or disorder, other than one resulting from an occupational injury, caused by exposure to environmental factors associated with employment. You must record all work related illnesses.

Time of Accident

Enter the time of day the occupational injury or illness occurred.

Time Employee Began Work

Enter the computer clock in hours: minutes: seconds.

Injury/Illness Date

Enter the date the injury or illness occurred.

For occupational injuries, enter the date of the work accident which resulted in injury.

For occupational illnesses, enter the date of initial diagnosis of illness, or, if absence from work occurred before diagnosis, enter the first day of the absence attributed to the illness.

Part of Body

Enter a code that indicates the part of body affected by the injury or illness. You can define this code using defined code table 08/H4.

Injury or Illness Type

Enter a defined code (UDC 08/H5) that defines the exact nature of an occupational illness.

The sequence of the illness codes that Human Resources provides corresponds exactly to the sequence on the OSHA 300 Summary report. If you plan to print the OSHA 300 Summary report that Human Resources provides and send it to the US Department of Labor, you should not change the sequence of the codes.

For example, you can change defined code A, Skin Disease or Disorder, to code R (Rash), if that description better meets the needs. However, the corresponding column on the OSHA 300 Summary report always refers to Occupational Skin Diseases or Disorder.

If you are not sending the report to the Department of Labor, then changing the codes, descriptions, and sequence does not produce a conflict between the system description and the OSHA 300 Summary report.

Occurrence Type

Enter a further explanation of the occurrence. You can define this code using defined code table 08/H3.


Enter the establishment where the accident or illness occurred.

Occurrence Location

Enter the exact physical location where the event (injury or illness) occurred, such as the computer room, the loading dock, and so forth. You can define this code using defined code table 08/H2.

Country of Occurrence

Enter a defined code (00/CN) that identifies a country. The country code has no effect on currency conversion.

Address Book uses the country code for data selection and address formatting.


Enter a number that identifies the facility where the employee was treated for an Injury/Illness case.

Incident Occurred on Employer Premises

Enter a value that indicates whether the incident occurred on the employer premises. Values are:

1: Yes, the incident occurred on the premises.

0: No, the incident did not occur on the premises.

Emergency Room

Select this option to indicate that the employee was treated in an emergency room.

Amputation (Release 9.2 Update)

An option that specifies whether the person experienced an amputation as a result of this incident. Values are:

Selected (On): The person experienced an amputation.

Cleared (Off): The person did not experience an amputation.

To filter data using the QBE for this check box, enter 1 to display the records with the Amputation check box selected, or enter 0 to display the records with the Amputation check box cleared. Leave the QBE field blank to display all.

Fatality (Release 9.2 Update)

An option that specifies whether the person died as a result of their injuries or illnesses. Values are:

Selected (On): The injury/illness was fatal.

Cleared (Off): The injury/illness was not fatal.

To filter the data using the QBE for this check box, enter 1 to display the records with the Fatality check box selected, or enter 0 to display the records with the Fatality check box cleared. Leave the QBE field blank to display all records.

Loss of an Eye (Release 9.2 Update)

An option that specifies whether the person experienced the loss of an eye as a result of this incident. Values are:

Selected (On): The person experienced the loss of an eye.

Cleared (Off): The person did not experience the loss of an eye.

To filter data using the QBE for this check box field, enter 1 to display the records with the loss of an eye check box selected, or enter 0 to display the records with the loss of an eye check box cleared. Leave the QBE field blank to display all.

Inpatient Hospitalization (Release 9.2 Update)

An option that indicates whether the employee was hospitalized overnight as an inpatient. Values are:

Checked: Yes, the employee was hospitalized overnight as an inpatient.

Not Checked: No, the employee was not hospitalized overnight as an inpatient.