Current Job Profile

Select the Current Job Profile Tab.


Review the address book number of the supervisor.

Pay Status

Review the code that indicates whether an employee pay status is active or inactive. Codes for active pay status employees are numeric, and codes for inactive pay status employees are alphabetic. The system omits all employees with alphabetic pay status codes from the payroll run.

External Title

Review the title associated with an employee job.

Date in Current Job

Review the date when an employee started working in this job.

Date in Current Position

Review the date the employee started the current position.

Annual Salary

Review the amount that an employee is paid in one year, assuming that the employee is paid every pay period of the year.

Last Comp Review Date (last compensation review date)

Review the date the last compensation review was given.

Date Of Last Raise

Review the date of the employee last raise. For the stand alone HR system, this is the date when you update salary and wages. If you also have the Payroll system, this date is automatically updated when a payroll is run. You define pay effective dates using the Pay Rate Information screen.

Pay Grade Step

Review the code that identifies a pay grade and pay step. You can use this code to determine an employee pay rate.

If you have set up the system to use rates in the Pay Grade Step table as the default pay rates for employees, changing an employee pay grade step causes the system to automatically update these fields:

  • Salary

  • Hourly Rate

  • Hours per day

  • Hours per year

  • Days per year