
These processing options specify the details that appear on the performance appraisal.

1) Display Job Title or Job Type/Step Description

Use this processing option to specify how the employee job is displayed. Either the Job Title is displayed or the associated description for the employee Job Type/Step is displayed. Values are:

Blank: Display Job Title if it exists, otherwise Job Type Step Description

1: Always display Job Title

2: Always display the description for Job Type/Step

2) Enter the URL for the performance appraisal guide.

Use this processing option to provide the organization performance management guide. If this is provided, the employees or managers using this system will be able to click and view the guide.

3) Display Job Competency Level

Use this processing option to specify whether the job competency level should be displayed on a competency based performance appraisal. Values are:

0: Do not display Job Competency Level (default)

1: Display Job Competency Level

4) Display Employee Competency Level

Use this processing option to specify whether the employee competency level should be displayed on a competency based performance appraisal. Values are:

0: Do not display Employee Competency Level (default)

1: Display Employee Competency Level