Forms Used to Update the Status of a Requisition

Form Name




Requisition Workflow Approval


Workflow Management (G02), Employee Queue Manager

On the Employee Queue Manager form, find the desired record and click Select.

On the Work Center form, select the message containing the requisition, and then click the Requisition Workflow Approval button.

Click Requisition Workflow Approval on the right side of the form.

On Requisition Workflow Approval, click Approve or Reject.

Complete the Requisition Status field, add a text message if desired, and click OK.

Approve or reject a requisition using workflow.

The system updates the requisition with the new status code, adds the name of the person who approved the requisition, and notifies the requestor that the requisition has been evaluated. If the manager approves the requisition, the system also sends a message to the appropriate recruiter.

Requisition Information


Requisitions menu (G08BR1), Requisition Information

On the Work With Requisitions form, select the requisition that you need to approve.

On the Requisition Information form, complete the Requisition Status, Approved By, and Approval Date fields, and then click OK.

Approve or reject a requisition manually.