
These processing options specify additional information and default values that the system applies when you generate this report.

1. Begin Date

Use this processing option to specify the beginning date of the pay period to be used for employment figures. If you are using Payroll, only those employees who received payments during the pay period are included on the report. If you are not using Payroll, only those employees who were active (not terminated or on leave of absence) during the pay period are included on the report.

2. End Date

Use this processing option to specify the ending date of the pay period to be used for employment figures. If you are using Payroll, only those employees who received payments during the pay period are included on the report. If you are not using Payroll, only those employees who were active (not terminated or on leave of absence) during the pay period are included on the report.

3. Report Type

Use this processing option to select the type of report that fits the needs of the organization. Values are:

1: Single Establishment Report

2: Consolidated Report

3: Headquarters Report

4: Individual Establishment Report

5: Small Establishment Report

The system stores the values in UDC 05U/ET.

4. Establishments Covered

Use this processing option to specify the number of establishments that are included in the EEO-1 Consolidated Report. The system generated consolidated report cannot be submitted to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Use this report only to review the information and verify that it is correct.

Information from the system generated consolidated report must be transferred and submitted on the actual EEO-1 form.

5. Parent Employs 100+

Use this processing option to specify whether 100 or more people worked for the parent company during the reporting period. The value that you enter in this processing option appears as Y or N in Section C, Question 1 of the EEO-1 report. This value is used to determine whether the establishment must file an EEO-1 report. Values include:

0: No

1: Yes

The system stores the values in UDC 00/NY.

6. Affiliate Employs 100+

Use this processing option to specify whether 100 or more people worked for an affiliated company during the reporting period. The value that you enter in this processing option appears as Y or N in Section C, Question 2 of the EEO-1 report. This value is used to determine whether the establishment must file an EEO-1 report. Values include:

0: No

1: Yes

The system stores the values in UDC 00/NY.

7. Government Contracts

Use this processing option to specify whether the parent company was involved in any government contract during the reporting period. The value that you enter in this processing option appears as Y or N in section C, Question 3 of the EEO-1 report. This value is used to determine whether the establishment must file an EEO-1 report. Values include:

0: No

1: Yes

The system stores the values in UDC 00/NY.

8. Employ Apprentice(s)

Use this processing option to specify whether the establishment employed one or more apprentices during the reporting period. The value that you enter in this processing option appears as Y or N in the Other Questions section of the EEO-1 report. Values include:

0: No

1: Yes

The system stores the values in UDC 00/NY.

9. Page Number

Use this processing option to specify the beginning page number to print on the EEO-1 reports, except the single establishment report.