
These processing options specify the default values that the system applies when you generate this report.

1. Parent Company

Use this processing option to specify the code that was assigned for the parent company of the organization, if any.

2. Establishment

Use this processing option to enter the address book number of the establishment for which you are generating the EEO-1 report. If you enter zero in this processing option, the system uses the parent company address book number.

3. EEO Company ID (Equal Employment Opportunity Company Identification)

Use this processing option to specify the code assigned by the U. S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) that identifies a specific organization, fund, or entity. The code is used for government reports, such as EEO-1.

4. EEO Unit Number (Equal Employment Opportunity Unit Number)

Use this processing option to specify the code assigned by the U. S. Equal Opportunity Commission (EEOC) to identify a specific business unit, location, or establishment. The code is used for government reports, such as EEO-1.

5. SIC Code (Standard Industrial Code)

Use this processing option to specify the Standard Industrial Code (SIC) that represents the company or division. The SIC code classifies goods and services. This code can be found in any of these formats:

  • Standard Industrial Code (SIC).

    SIC codes are a method used in the United States to classify goods and services. This code normally has four digits, although some codes have extension digits that serve as qualifiers.

  • Harmonized System (HS).

    HS codes are an international method of classifying goods. More than fifty countries use this code system. Each code can contain up to 10 digits.

  • Standard Industrial Trade Classification (SITC).

    SITC codes, developed by the United Nations, are a numerical code system used to classify goods in international trade. These codes are used by international organizations and can contain up to six digits.

    The system stores the values in UDC 01/SC.

6. North American Industry Classification System (NAICS)

Use this processing option to specify a code that classifies goods and services. The North American Industry Classification System is the new standard code system to describe business establishments and industries, replacing the Standard Industrial Classifications *SIC Codes). This code may be formatted as follows:

  • Standard Industrial Classification (SIC).

    A 4 digit code used in the United States to classify goods and services.

  • North American Industry Classification System (NAICS).

    A code of up to six digits currently used in the United States to classify goods and services.

    The system stores the values in UDC 08/NC.

7. Dun and Bradstreet

Use this processing option to enter a number used by Dun and Bradstreet to identify the company. Complete this processing option for a company that is involved in government contracts, provided that the company has a Dun and Bradsteet number. When you enter the number, include the appropriate dashes (for example, 9-999-9999).