
These processing options enable you to determine the way in which records will be written in the Journal Entry Transaction - Batch File table (F0911Z1), including the ledger to which they are written.

1. Transaction Description

Use this processing option to enter a brief description of the transaction.

This description will be included on every record that is updated to the Journal Entry Transaction - Batch table (F0901101). This description can be up to 30 characters in length.

2. Transaction Date

Use this processing option to specify the date to be posted for this transaction. If left blank, the system date will be used.

3. Budget Ledger Type

Use this processing option to specify the ledger to be updated. Values are stored in user-defined code table 09/LT. If left blank, the BA ledger will be updated. If a value is entered, that ledger is updated.

This program cannot update these ledger types: AA, AC, CA, XA, YA, ZA. An invalid record type error will occur if one of these ledger types is entered.

4. Proof/Update Mode

Use this processing option to specify whether you run this report in proof mode or update mode.

In proof mode, a report will be generated showing what will be written to the Journal Entry Transaction - Batch table (F0911Z1). Use proof mode to examine data and fix any errors, and then rerun the process in update mode. Values are:

Blank: Proof Mode

0: Proof Mode

1: Update Mode