Reviewing Available Courses by Competency

When you enter course information into the system, you can associate each course with a number of different competency areas. You associate a course with the competencies that the course might help to improve. When you assign competencies to an employee, you can then review the courses that are available for each specified competency area.

Reviewing the available courses by competency area enables you to easily create comprehensive training development plans for employees.

For example, the organization might offer the course Introduction to Microsoft Excel. This course might assist employees with a number of different competency areas, such as data analysis skills or knowledge of Microsoft Office products. Therefore, you would assign the data analysis and Microsoft Office competencies to the training course.

Subsequently, when you assign the Microsoft Office competency to an employee, and you review the available courses in that competency area, the system displays the Introduction to Microsoft Excel course, along with any other courses that have been associated with that competency area.

Note: You can also review available course information at the time that you assign competencies to an employee.

See Assigning Competencies to Employees.